Ag Advocacy
Dedicated to the Future of Agriculture
We are unwavering in our dedication to amplifying the voicees of all farm families. This involves educating the next generation of agricultural innovators in the classroom, influencing legislation to champion favorable policies, supporting rural development, and enhancing the understanding of agriculture’s role in the economy and society.

Lower snake river dams
We are passionate advocates for farm families and strongly urge legislators to take a balanced approach to support healthy rivers and a healthy economy. By working together, we can make real and lasting progress in improving the prospects for salmon without endangering livelihoods, jobs, and the Northwest economy, which is so dependent on the world-class crops we grow to feed a hungry nation and the world.
Use the links below to locate your Congressional members and State legislators. Make your voice heard and let your representatives know where you stand.

Classroom connections
The world depends on the next generation of agriculture to provide food for a growing population. It is crucial to have agricultural resources in classrooms to nurture interest and information for future generations of ag innovators.

ag outreach
Strengthening the agricultural workforce is vital for continuous advancement on Pacific Northwest farms. We are dedicated to collaborating with organizations that prepare the current and future workforce to meet the demands of a hungry world.