environmental responsibility
Dedicated to Preserving PNW Farmland.
Our region’s rich agricultural heritage must be preserved for future farming generations. Through sustainable practices and careful stewardship, the health of farmlands and farm families will remain a vibrant and integral part of the PNW landscape.

In addition to our own safety audit standards, each of our branch locations undergoes routine Responsible Ag audits to ensure compliance with environmental, health, safety, and security regulations. As a member, we are dedicated to following the committed, compliant, and safe guidelines.

4R stewardship
As a member of The Fertilizer Institute, we promote the 4R nutrient stewardship practices – Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place. Maximizing crop nutrient use efficiency understanding limiting factors are essential for sustainable agriculture.

Our company-wide program to actively develop environmental stewardship initiatives at all locations launched with the name “Every Drop Counts” in the early 1990s. The foundations of that program are the guiding principles of each of our locations today.
Our commitment to environmental responsibility is long term. It’s not just about what we do today, but what we can do to preserve the environment for future generations.

We take pride in the numerous national, state, regional, and spirit-level Environmental Respect Awards showcased at our branch locations. These awards highlight our exceptional efforts in preserving the environment through safe, responsible business practices.