The Cat That Came Back

The Cat That Came Back

Scott Yates stops in for a conversation with Cat Salois, the firm’s director of research and technology for a podcast entitled, “The Cat That Came Back”

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Tag, You're It!

Tag, You're It!

The summer research station tours were chocked full of great new additions - one of which was working with everyone to get connected through social media. It's a powerful tool to be able to quickly share relevant experiences with each other.

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Tour Feedback Heard Loud & Clear!

Tour Feedback Heard Loud & Clear!

Research Tour participants were provided an opportunity to give feedback on what worked, what was the 'fav' stop, and what might we consider in the future.

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And The Pit Boss Grill Goes To.....

And The Pit Boss Grill Goes To.....

A farmer's time is valuable with plenty of priorities to sift through on any given day. We are grateful that so many of our farm customers chose to spend the day at a McGregor Company Research Station Field Tour.

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2017 Research Tour Prize Recipients!

2017 Research Tour Prize Recipients!

As promised, we have great prizes to give away to six lucky people who attended one of our Research tours in June! Congratulations to each of the following:

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Summer Research Tours--Completed!

Summer Research Tours--Completed!

What gorgeous weather for tour season this year! Mother Nature did not disappoint. Not only was the weather cooperative, but treatments around the farm showed well most of the month.

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2017 Grower Plot Tours

2017 Grower Plot Tours

Come take a tour through our research plots with the Research team and enter to win an Ipad or a Ag Leader Compass guidance system

Contact your local Account Manager for details!

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National Wheat Yield Contest is ON!

National Wheat Yield Contest is ON!

The National Wheat Foundation will once again host the National Wheat Yield Contest. Are you ready to enter??!!

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Falling Number's Brutal Impact on PNW Growers

Falling Number's Brutal Impact on PNW Growers

Wheat quality discounts for low “falling numbers” (FN) had a brutal impact on many PNW growers during the 2016 harvest—with loss estimates likely to approach $140 million.

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2017 WSDA Nozzle Permit

2017 WSDA Nozzle Permit

In January WSDA issued a permit that allows applicators to use newer technology to control drift and run higher pressures when applying restricted use pesticides.

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