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It’s Tiller Time
KickStarter™ provides highly available phosphorus at the START to drive fall tiller production – the #1 indicator for yield in the PNW.
5.8 bu/ac Average
Yield Increase
Stronger Roots From the START[er]
- The highly available nutritional components in KickStarter™ improve stand establishment, expand root growth, and enhance nutrient uptake.
- Formulated with the power of M-Struct™ for improved phosphorus use-efficiency and stronger roots from the start[er].
- Developed in the PNW for cold soils and low pH environments, KickStarter increases fall tiller counts and reduces winter damage leading to more uniform spring stands.
- Seed safe on sensitive crops, KickStarter is a balanced blend of nutrients that can be applied directly on the seed for use in-furrow.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is KickStarter a complicated mix that will impede my seeding process?
No. KickStarter is an all-in-one liquid starter fertilizer that is ready to use with any standard seeding equipment that has a liquid kit. Use rates of 5-10 gal/ac should be used for ideal in-field performance. Adding at least 0.5 gallons of water for every 5 gallons of KickStarter will help ensure optimal consistency in application.
Why does soil pH matter to phosphorus?
In soil pH levels under 6.0, phosphorus gets tied up by aluminum and iron. In soil pH levels above 8.0, phosphorus ties up with calcium. With the power of M-Struct, KickStarter keeps phosphorus more plant-available.
How does phosphorus impact my wheat crop?
Wheat is highly responsive to phosphorus inputs, particularly in the fall and early season when phosphorus demands are up to 1 lb/day. Early season phosphorus deficiency can slow root and shoot growth which reduces tillering and plant development and leads to increased susceptibility to stresses in winter and spring. Healthy roots build healthy stands that produce more tillers and heads.
Does KickStarter need added zinc?
No! KickStarter has an ideal P:Zn ratio for maximum efficiency.