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M-Power Micro Pak™ blends 6 essential micronutrients to support key plant functions such as enzyme activation, photosynthesis, and disease resistance, helping your crops remain healthy, resilient, and high-yielding.
10-20% Yield Increase
- M-Power Micro Pak serves as a crucial catalyst activating key macronutrient processes within plants by delivering a precise blend of micronutrients most often deficient in PNW soils, identified through over 25,000 soil and tissue samples.
- M-Power Micro Pak micronutrients are EDTA-chelated for optimal compatibility with nearly all tank mixes, ensuring efficient nutrient delivery to the leaf surface without clogging or nutrient loss.
- M-Power Micro Pak enables rapid and efficient nutrient uptake as a foliar fertilizer, bypassing potential soil limitations and ensuring crops receive essential micronutrients during critical periods of peak nutrient demand.
over 70% of SOILS ARE DEFICIENT in at Least One Essential Micronutrient
Even if MACROnutrient levels are sufficient, a lack of key MICROnutrients can prevent optimal growth, reducing yields and overall plant health.

MICROnutrients, though required in smaller quantities, are essential for various metabolic functions within plants. They play critical roles in activating enzymes, catalyzing reactions, and supporting the efficient use of MACROnutrients.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is M-Power Micro Pak compatible with glyphosate?
Yes! In Roundup Ready crops, glyphosate can sequester micronutrients, particularly manganese and zinc, hindering their movement within the plant and leading to deficiencies. However, M-Power Micro Pak’s unique formulation is fully compatible with glyphosate, keeping these essential nutrients remain bioavailable, effectively addressing predictable micronutrient deficiencies, and supporting plant health and photosynthesis.
What is unique about M-Power Micro Pak?
Unlike many micronutrient products, M-Power Micro Pak is EDTA-chelated, ensuring it won’t clog when mixed with glyphosate or other herbicides. Formulated with 6 essential micronutrients, it provides all the key elements crops need, offering easy, hassle-free application.
Why are micronutrients necessary?
With a long-standing focus on N-P-K nutrients, micronutrients have often been overlooked, leading to deficiencies during critical periods of peak demand. As a result, these essential micronutrients often become the first limiting factor for crop growth and yield potential, particularly when they are most needed to support optimal plant growth and development.