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Seed Treatment

Our passion is your success

The Seed Treatment team at The McGregor Company embodies extensive experience and knowledge. Leaders in localized research initiatives, we are dedicated to helping our customers continually improve and optimize crop performance. Our seed treatment blending facilities specialize in precise custom blend formulation, bringing innovative solutions and advancement to agriculture.

Custom blends deliver better agronomic solutions. Tailoring seed treatment components to address unique growing challenges enhances performance for the grower while optimizing handling for the conditioner.

Through dedicated research, including replicated plots, on-farm strip trials, and independent laboratory testing, our products have earned their place in our innovative product line through rigorous scientific validation.

Find us near you

N. Washington & N. Idaho

N. Washington & E. Oregon

Western Oregon


Southern Idaho

Southern Idaho

Blending Facilities

Palouse – Seed Treatment
315 W Almota Road
PO Box 148
Palouse, WA 99161
Twin Falls – Seed Treatment
252 Deere Street
Twin Falls, ID 83301