Complete Liquid Starter Fertilizer
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KICK it UP a Notch
KickStarter Corn™ is an all-in-one liquid starter fertilizer formulated with the power of M-Struct™ for improved phosphorus use-efficiency and stronger roots.
Stronger Roots From The Start[Er]
- The highly available nutritional components in KickStarter Corn improve stand establishment, expand root growth, and enhance nutrient uptake.
- Corn is the most responsive crop to starter fertilizers and consistently shows positive yield response when planting in the cool, wet soils found in the PNW.
- Formulated with the power of M-Struct™ for improved phosphorus use-efficiency and stronger roots from the start[er].
- Early phosphorus uptake sets kernel rows per ear and speeds crop maturity allowing sweet and field corn to be harvested earlier.
- KickStarter Corn is a low-salt and chloride-free formulation that is seed safe for use in-furrow.

larger roots and deeper mining for soil moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is KickStarter Corn a complicated mix that will impede my seeding process?
No. KickStarter Corn is an all-in-one liquid starter fertilizer that is ready to use with any standard seeding equipment that has a liquid kit. 5-10 gal/ac use rates should be used for ideal in-field performance. Use rates of 5-10 gal/ac should be used for ideal in-field performance.
Why does soil pH matter to phosphorus?
In soil pH levels under 6.0, phosphorus gets tied up by aluminum and iron. In soil pH levels above 8.0, phosphorus ties up with calcium. With the power of M-Struct, KickStarter Corn keeps phosphorus more plant-available.
How does phosphorus impact my corn crop?
Corn is highly responsive to phosphorus inputs, particularly early in the season when phosphorus demands are highest. Early season phosphorus deficiency can slow root and shoot growth, which reduces nutrient uptake and plant development leading to a loss of yield from the start. Healthy roots build healthy stands that produce more kernels per ear.
Is KickStarter Corn insecticide compatible?
KickStarter Corn is compatible with most insecticides and acts as a delivery system for insecticides and other nutrients. Emulsifiable concentrates formulations should be mixed with water before adding to fertilizer.