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Just Say (NO)2 to Nitrogen Loss
LockdowN™ slows nitrification and nitrogen leaching in the soil profile. Specially formulated for anhydrous ammonia, UAN, Aqua, and liquid urea applications, LockdowN keeps your nitrogen investment in the root zone.
up to 25% Greater Nitrogen Use-Efficiency
Lock UP your nitrogen investment
- Nitrogen stabilizer specially formulated for anhydrous ammonia, UAN, aqua, and liquid urea applications to maximize grains per head and Feed the Need.
- Non-corrosive properties of LockdowN make it significantly easier to handle, reducing downtime and potential damage to equipment.
- LockdowN maximizes nitrogen eciency by keeping nitrogen in the immobile ammonium state longer to align peak demands with peak availability.
The Key to Improving Nitrogen Use-Efficiency is Aligning Peak Demands with Peak Availability
Nitrogen Stabilization Keeps More N in the Root Zone to FEED the Plant

More N in the Root Zone = More Yield at the FINISH

Over 50% of applied nitrogen may be OUT OF REACH before peak plant demands.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is nitrogen most critical in the plant lifecycle?
Access to nitrogen early in the season drives biomass, tiller counts, ears per acre, and number of heads. Later- season nitrogen access drives not only test weight and protein content, but also grains per head and kernel weight – factors that are especially yield-limiting in PNW crops. Well-timed nitrogen availability that matches the crop’s demand curves is crucial to maximizing nitrogen use efficiency. By slowing the conversion of ammonium to nitrate, fall-applied nitrogen’s availability more closely matches the crop’s nitrogen use curve.
How does LockdowN maximize nitrogen availability with soil-applied nitrogen applications?
LockdowN protects against denitrification and leaching by effecting the Nitrosomonas bacteria responsible for converting immobile ammonium into mobile nitrate. By slowing the nitrification process and keeping nitrogen in the plant’s root zone, LockdowN helps preserve the maximum amount of nitrogen available to the crop WHERE and WHEN it is needed most – Feed the Need and optimize yield potential.
What are the results of LockdowN?
Research repeatedly shows that nitrogen stabilization can significantly improve our ability to manage where the nitrogen is in the soil profile in order to more effectively drive nitrogen. By slowing the conversion of ammonium to nitrate, LockdowN has been proven to consistently reduce nitrogen leaching potential in the soil and improve nutrient-use efficiency by up to 25%.
Does LockdowN require unique storage or blending?
LockdowN is noncorrosive to the metals used in anhydrous ammonia and UAN equipment. These noncorrosive properties eliminate the need for stainless steel tanks as well as any washing or rinsing of equipment between use. LockdowN can be stored for up to 2 years withstanding temperatures up to 110° F and as low as -9° F.