Soft White Winter Wheat
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Don’t Stress. M-Press.
TMC M-Press™ breaks records! The 1st place 2020 National Wheat Yield Contest winner in the dryland winter wheat division nearly broke the national record with TMC M-Press – That’s M-Press(ive)!
9% Average Yield Increase
Highly adaptable to handle low rainfall and disease risk
- 12″-20″ rainfall wheat with flexibility to adapt across rainfall zones and maintain top-end yields.
- TMC M-Press has a remarkable defense package particularly for rust pressure and Fusarium crown rot.
- Strong winter hardiness and spring vigor paired with the ability to handle drought stress during grain fill gives TMC M-Press the maximum yield advantage.
Disease Resistance
Stripe Rust | RESISTANT – 2 (16/18 WSU/OSU) |
SBWMV (Soil-Borne Mosaic Virus) | MODERATE RESISTANCE (16/18 OSU, SY) |
Fusarium Crown Rot | TOLERANT (OSU/TMC 17-18) |
SFR (Strawbreaker Foot Rot) | TOLERANT (14-15 WSU / 17, 18 OSU) |
C Stripe (Cephalosporium Stripe) | MODERATE TOLERANCE – 4/5 (15 WSU, 18 OSU, 18 TMC) |
PLS (Physiological Leaf Spot) | MODERATE TOLERANCE (18, 19, TMC) |
Snow Mold | SUSCEPTIBLE (18 OSU/WSU) |
Agronomic Features
Protein | LOW (’16-’18 TMC, WSU, OSU) |
Test Weight | GOOD (’16-’18 TMC, WSU, OSU) |
Maturity | MEDIUM (’17,’18 WSU, TMC ’15-’18) |
Plant Height | MEDIUM SHORT (20+ locs, 3 years) |
Lodging | VERY GOOD (’16-’18 TMC, WSU, OSU) |
Spring Vigor | STRONG |
Winter Hardness | GOOD |
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many soft white winter wheat varieties available. What makes TMC M-Press stand out?
TMC M-Press has a strong defense package with very high adaptability and flexibility between rain zones. These features give TMC M-Press unique benefits compared to other varieties and have contributed to an average yield increase of 9%.
What conditions does TMC M-Press perform best in?
TMC M-Press is a medium maturity soft white winter wheat with the adaptability to flex to high or low rainfall zones and still deliver consistently high, top-end yield results. The flexibility of TMC M-Press alleviates stress from the grower by reducing the risk associated with betting on Mother Nature for moisture.
How does TMC M-Press handle disease pressure in low rainfall?
Disease can be more prevalent in low rainfall years. TMC M-Press is a medium short plant height with stiff straw for improved disease resistance, particularly with stripe rust, crown rot, and fusarium. TMC M-Press has shown remarkable tolerance to drought stress during grain fill allowing maximum yields.