
McGregor Agronomy

McGregor Agronomy

Supplying products, equipment & consultation to ensure crops are protected, machinery maintained & ag problems solved. That's the power of The McGregor Company. Our retail locations provide fertilizer and crop protection products for growers, as well as access to equipment to apply these products to their crops.

Agronomic consulting is a large part of The McGregor Company's service offerings. Crop scouting and recommendations are provided by Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) at our retail locations. The McGregor Company’s crop advisers are equipped to design a specific plan for each crop on a grower’s farm using the best fertilizer and crop protection products suited to a particular situation. The McGregor Company’s retail branches stand ready to supply your needs for fertilizer, crop protection products and application equipment if needed. With over 30 strategically placed locations throughout the Inland Northwest, our locally staffed facilities stand ready to serve you.

Agronomy has always been a local process, taking global information and ideas and applying them to local situations to grow productive crops. With today’s technology-filled world it is more important than ever to have a company on your side; a company that is able to objectively look at all the information that is available and focus on products and techniques that will be relevant for your farm. The McGregor Company strives to provide a sustainable path to achieve your production goals.