
Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Nitrogen impacts every growth stage of the plant's lifecycle and each of the three yield components, but the key to improving nitrogen use efficiency is aligning peak demands with peak availability.



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*LockdowN: Below-Ground Nitrification Inhibitor*

Yield Components

Fall-applied nitrogen leaches below the root zone before peak demands in the spring.

PNW soil temperatures can remain above 50° well into November allowing fall-applied nitrogen to begin converting from immobile ammonium to mobile nitrate prior to winter.

Top-dressed nitrogen misses peak demand timing to impact grains per head and weight per grain.

In a region with already abundant tiller production due to timely September planting, spring top-dressed nitrogen often feeds unsprayed weeds and encourages unproductive and excessive spring tillers.

Naturally  occurring nitrogen is unavailable until after peak demand timing.

Cool spring soils slow the mineralization of nitrogen in the organic soil matter delaying the soil’s free nitrogen source.

Nitrogen Demands2

CLICK HERE to learn more about
*LockdowN: Below-Ground Nitrification Inhibitor*



COLFAX, Wa. – The unique growing environment of the PNW, paired with the highly mobile nature of nitrogen, poses significant and cascading challenges that are increasingly difficult to overcome if nitrogen investments are not adequately managed from the start. Holding nitrogen higher in the soil profile longer into the season is critical to better align peak nitrogen availability with the peak nitrogen demands of the crop. “The single largest driver we have to effect the grains per head yield component is aligning the crop’s nitrogen access with its demand curve for nitrogen,” says Cat Salois, Director of Research and Technology for The McGregor Company. This ultimately feeds the plant what it needs, when it needs it, and is vital to ensuring higher yields and strong economic benefit to growers. ... (read the full article)


Video: Fall Stabilized N Drives Grains per Head

Why using nitrification inhibitors is key to improving nitrogen management and getting bigger responses from nitrogen inputs. #FeedTheNeed


Video: Nitrogen Access at Stem Elongation

From the start of stem elongation to the emergence of the flag leaf, wheat requires 3-5 pounds of nitrogen PER DAY to maximize grains per head production. #FeedTheNeed